Flash-back sur le premier tour
Championnat d’Afrique de tennis de table.
C’est bien parti depuis ce mardi à Yaoundé avec le championnat d’Afrique de tennis qu le Cameroun abrite. Après le tirage effectué lundi dernier au palais polyvalent des sports, les compétitions proprement dites ont démarré. Sept tables ont été installées à cet effet. Au pointage des arrivées ce soir, il ne manquait que le Congo brazzaville. Les pongistes de la RDC ont débarqué au moment où le comité d’organisation offrait un cocktail après la cérémonie d’ouverture et la fin des compétitions de cette journée initiale. Les congolais, arrivés à Douala en fin de matinée, ont pris la route pour la capitale.
Quant aux marocains, ils ont perdu les matchs de la matinée. Reste maintenant à savoir si les rencontres qui n’ont pas eu lieu seront programmées ce mercredi.
Les résultats par poules :
Groupe I
No Date & heure Nom Vs Nom score
1 21/7/2015 Meshref Dina EGY Atinuke Olaide NGR FF de olaide
2 21/07/2015 Hanffou Sarah
CMR Ntumnyuy Harriet
CMR 3-0
(11-4, 11-4,11-4)
3 21 /07/2015 Meshref Dina EGY Hanffou Sarah
CMR 3-1
4 21/07/2015 Atinuke Olaide NGR Ntumnyuy Harriet
CMR 3-0
5 22/07/2015 Meshref Dina EGY Ntumnyuy Harriet
CMR 3-0 (11-2)(11-2)(11-1)
6 22/072015 Hanffou Sarah
CMR Atinuke Olaide NGR 3-0 (11-5)(11-7)(11-4)
Groupe II
No Date & heure Nom Vs Nom score
1 21/7/2015 Han Xin (RDC) Enjema Ikome Béatrice (CMR) Han abs
2 21/7/2015 Oshonaike Olufunke (NGR) Laid Islem (ALG) 3-0(11-8,11-3,11-9)
3 21/7/2015 Han Xin (RDC) Oshonaike Olufunke (NGR) Han abs
4 21/7/2015 Enjema Ikome Béatrice (CMR) Laid Islem (ALG) 0-3(4-11,4-11,8-11)
5 22/07/2015 Han Xin (RDC) Laid Islem (ALG) Han abs
6 22/07/2015 Oshonaike Olufunke (NGR) Enjema Ikome Béatrice (CMR) 3-0 (11-4)(11-7)(11-5)
Groupe III
No Date & heure Nom Vs Nom score
1 21/7/2015 El Dawlatly Nadeen (EGY) Papale Alida (CMR) 3-0
2 21/7/2015 Nwachuku Onyienyechi (RDC) Lohgraibi Lynda (Alg) ******
3 21/7/2015 El Dawlatly Nadeen (EGY) Nwachuku Onyienyechi (RDC *******
4 21/7/2015 Papale Alida (CMR) Lohgraibi Lynda (Alg) 0-3
5 22/07/2015 El Dawlatly Nadeen (EGY) Lohgraibi Lynda (Alg) 3-0
6 22/07/2015 Nwachuku Onyienyechi (RDC) Papale Alida (CMR) *******
Groupe I
No Date & heure Nom Vs Nom score
1 21/7/2015 Lashn el Sayed (EGY) Boudjadja Mohamed Sofiene (ALG) 3-1
2 21/7/2015 Saka Suraju (RDC) Nikwango Alex Gildas (CMR) Suraju Abs
3 21/7/2015 Lashn el Sayed (EGY) Saka Suraju (RDC) Suraju Abs
4 21/7/2015 Boudjadja Mohamed Sofiene (ALG) Nikwango Alex Gildas (CMR) 3-0 (11-7,11-4,11-4)
5 22/07/2015 Lashn el Sayed (EGY) Nikwango Alex Gildas (CMR) 3-0
6 22/07/2015 Saka Suraju (RDC) Boudjadja Mohamed Sofiene (ALG) *******
Groupe II
No Date & heure Nom Vs Nom score
1 21/7/2015 Assar Omar (EGY) Agbetoglo Mawussi (TOG) 3-0
2 21/7/2015 Kazeem Makanjuola (NGR) Nyoh Ofon Derek (CMR) 3-0
3 21/7/2015 Assar Omar (EGY) Kazeem Makanjuola (NGR) 3-0
4 21/7/2015 Agbetoglo Mawussi (TOG) Nyoh Ofon Derek (CMR) 3-0
(11-5),(4-11), (11-5)
5 22/07/2015 Assar Omar (EGY) Nyoh Ofon Derek (CMR) 3-0 (11-5) (11-5)(11-8)
6 22/07/2015 Kazeem Makanjuola (NGR) Agbetoglo Mawussi (TOG) 3-1
Groupe III
No Date & heure Nom Vs Nom score
1 21/7/2015 Aruna Quadri (NGR) Dinayen Clarence (CMR) 3-0
2 21/7/2015 El Belali (EGY) Reda said (MAR) 3-0
3 21/7/2015 Aruna Quadri (NGR) El Belali (EGY) 1-3
4 21/7/2015 Dinayen Clarence (CMR) Reda said (MAR) 3-2
5 22/07/2015 Aruna Quadri (NGR) Reda said (MAR) 3-0
6 22/07/2015 El Belali (EGY) Dinayen Clarence (CMR) 3-0
Groupe IV
No Date & heure Nom Vs Nom score
1 21/7/2015 Idowu Sahed (RDC) Jague Alain patrick (CMR) Idowu abs
2 21/7/2015 Khourta Idir (ALG) Lawson Gaisser Fessou (TOG) 3-1
3 21/7/2015 Idowu Sahed (RDC) Khourta Idir (ALG) Idowu abs
4 21/7/2015 Jague Alain Patrick (CMR Lawsson Gaisser Fessou (TOG) 0-3
5 22/07/2015 Idowu Sahed (RDC) Lawson Gaisser Fessou (TOG) *******
6 22/07/2015 Khourta Idir (ALG) Jague Alain Patrick (CMR 3-0
Etienne Didier ONANA(c)
10:15 Écrit par mbolocameroon dans Actualités, Tennis de table | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | Tags : tennis de table, coupe d'afrique | |
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Clarence DINAYEN : l'espoir du tennis de table camerounais.
ITTF Africa Senior Cup: A fulfilled dream for Clarence Dinayen in Yaounde
When Clarence Dinayen, 22, started his romance with table tennis, he just wanted to enjoy himself playing the game on the street of Bamenda in North Western part of Cameroon. But as he plays, his love for the sport continues to soar and this eventually earned him a place in the table tennis team of the University of Bamenda, where he studies Chemistry.
Twice he has featured for his institution at the National University Games in Cameroon but his efforts did not attract the attention of the national technical team.
But in 2015, he won the heart of the Cameroon Table Tennis Federation when he edged out national champion, Emmanuel Ngwe in the round of the 16 of the men’s singles but his good run was halted in the quarterfinal.
However, the Cameroon Table Tennis Federation saw the need to encourage Clarence Dinayen and they invited him for the national trials in readiness for the 2015 ITTF Africa Senior Cup.
He was in the midst of the best players in Cameroon and fortunately for him he made the final cut for the four-man team that will represent Cameroon at the ITTF Africa Senior Cup in Yaounde.
From the way he has been conducting himself at the tournament, it was clear that Dinayen was in class of his own especially playing against some of his role models in the game.
It was a dream comes true for the undergraduate as he was pitched against 2014 ITTF Star Player, Aruna Quadri of Nigeria, whom he admired a lot in Africa.
“I cannot describe the feeling I have been having since this competition started because this is my first time of playing international competition and also putting on the colours of Cameroon in such event was indeed a dream come true. For me playing in this tournament is indeed a big privilege and I cannot express how happy I have been since Tuesday July 21 when the championship started. I was the last player to make the team during the trials especially for a player that comes from the North Western part of Cameroon (Anglophone),” he admitted.
As if the selection was not the icing on the cake for Dinayen, he had to play against one of the continent’s best, Aruna Quadri of Nigeria in the men’s singles group matches. “I could not imagine that I was playing against Aruna because I have all his matches in my laptop especially his matches against Zhan Jike of China, Kenta Matsudaira of Japan and some of his wonderful matches. It was a big privilege seeing and playing against a player I admired so much. I cannot just know what was going on within me when we were playing because I just cherished the moment. I was not really concentrating on the game but was just admiring Aruna because he has a lot for the game in Africa. He is a superstar which most of us cherish and look up to in Africa,” Dinayen said.
But Dinayen did not only come to cherish Aruna, he put up a good fight against Morocco’s Said Reda to win 3-2 as the only victory to his credit in Yaounde.
And when he matched up against his idol conqueror, Egypt’s Mohammed El-Beiali, Dinayen wanted to prove a point as he fought hard against the Egyptian. “I think the match against El-Beiali of Egypt remained my best game in this tournament. Although I lost but I did all I could in the encounter. I wanted to show that I am capable of playing against a player who has beaten Aruna earlier. He is a good player but I know that if I continue to work hard, I can match up with him,” Dinayen said.
As long as Dinayen admired Egypt’s Omar Assar, the respect he had for Aruna is unequalled. “The player I love at present is Omar Assar because he works hard and he plays well in this competition. But for me, he is not in the class of Aruna who to me is a super star because Assar has not been able to measure up with the global status of Aruna. Even if Aruna did not win the ITTF Africa Senior Cup, he remains the best for me and I don’t think there is anything for him to prove in Africa. He is a player for a big stage and he has shown this in his previous performance and I just think we can emulate him in Africa. Assar is also a good player but he has not been able to do what Aruna has done and this is what distinguishes Aruna from other players in Africa,” he said.
Like an optimist, Dinayen looks forward to making the Cameroon team for the 2015 All Africa Games in Congo Brazzaville. “I know we will also play in the national trials to select the team for the All Africa Games and I hope to continue to work hard so that I can make the final list of players that will represent my country in Brazzaville,” he added.
NB : Photo et texte: ITTF
22:09 Écrit par mbolocameroon dans Actualités, Tennis de table | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | Tags : tennis de table, coupe d'afrique | |
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Optimisme mésuré chez les pongistes camerounais
Optimisme dans chez les pongistes camerounais
A vingt-quatre heures du début de la coupe d’Afrique de tennis de table que notre pays abrite, c’est la sérénité dans le camp camerounais. C’est le sentiment qui se dégage de la visite que nous leur avons rendu vendredi dernier dans leur camp d’entrainement situé au club des brasseries du Cameroun à Yaouné. A notre arrivée, ils sont sept à l’entrainement, Nyoh Derrek, Nickwango Davy, Jagué Alain, Papale Alida , Ntumnyuy Harriet et Enjéma Béatrice qui travaillent sous la houlette des entraineurs nationaux Christian Tsagué et Yannick Amougou.
Au rythme de deux séances d’entrainement par jour, ils transpirent, tapent sur la balle, y mettent toute la volonté et l’ardeur. Tous se disent prêts à défendre valablement les couleurs. Nous allons nous battre jusqu’au bout nous dit l’un d’entre eux. La bande à Nyoh Derrek sait qu’elle ne peut pas gagner la compétition, mais il faudra bien mouiller la raquette et éviter le ridicule. Le président de la fédération non plus n’est pas optimiste, il nous l’a dit, mais compte sur un sursaut d’orgueil de Sarah Hanffou pour la troisième place, à défaut de la première comme en 2010 toujours à Yaoundé. Guillaume Mutlen, le directeur technique national a dit depuis deux mois aux journalistes que les pongistes camerounais n’ont pas le niveau de la compétition. C'est’ un autre niveau. Néanmoins, il faut faire travailler les enfants car, ils doivent bien acquérir de l’expérience. Le Dr Abela Ondobo et le kiné sont à la manœuvre sur le plan médical. Seule manque à l’appel Sarah Hanffou qui devait arriver samedi d’Europe.
Etienne-Didier ONANA©
21:40 Écrit par mbolocameroon dans Actualités, Tennis de table | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | Tags : championnat d'afrique de tennis de table, ping-pong, cameroun, coupe d'afrique | |
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